Taipei American Trust Association

Motivation for Establishment

The purpose of establishing this association is to promote members' understanding of U.S. tax information, trust structures, and cross-border inheritance models. In addition to periodically inviting U.S. trust consultants, professional lawyers, trust companies, trust accountants, compliance investment advisors, and bankers to Taiwan (or online) to conduct free training courses and seminars, the association aims to enhance members' professional service capabilities in the fields of cross-border inheritance and U.S. trusts.

The association will set up dedicated conference rooms and related hardware communication equipment to assist members in joining learning sessions through the simplest real-time communication methods. The ultimate goal of the association is to collaborate with members to innovate and prepare the necessary professional skills, thereby enhancing their competitiveness. The association will focus on service, professionalism, innovation, efficiency, and harmony—touching hearts through service, earning trust through professionalism, and enhancing efficiency through innovation to give back to society.

About the TATA

Taipei American Trust Association was established in August 2021 by a group of professionals dedicated to the study of U.S. trusts and wealth inheritance. The Chairman, Accountant Peter Lu, with a philanthropic mindset, hopes that the establishment of this association will help first-generation entrepreneurs, second-generation successors, and professionals providing wealth planning for affluent families understand how to use U.S. trusts for long-term wealth planning.

Taipei American Trust Association has a General Assembly, a Supervisory Committee (with two supervisors), and a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors includes several advisors, honorary directors, and the Chairman. Under the Chairman are the Secretary-General and several staff members.

Every month, the association, in collaboration with the Ginkgo and Trust Legacy Team, holds trust seminars, aiming to raise public awareness and professional understanding of U.S. trusts. Their goal is to demonstrate that family asset planning is no longer limited to traditional financial tools but requires a forward-looking and comprehensive approach.


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